HTML Dictionary
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a system for writing and formatting a simple hypertext commands which are written into ASCII text documents in order to produce an integrated visual display. In addition, a document created in a word processing application and stored into normal ASCII format. HTML document is called a markup language because they contain certain signs that are used to determine the look of a text and the level of importance of the text in a document. By using HTML commands it allows the user to perform the following functions:
<!-- ... --> | Used to give a comment or description. Sentences that lies in this container will not be visible in the browser |
<!DOCTYPE> | Defines the document type information |
<a> | Defines an anchor, but are more accurately defined as a link because this link is used for mutual link between the HTML document into another HTML document |
<abbr> | Used to describe an expression that is abbreviated and you can provide useful information to the searcher-penulusur page source (the page source code) / screen readers, translation systems and search engines are derived from the abbreviation already described, but when in the browser on these descriptions will not appear and for informational purposes only |
<acronym> | Defining acronyms / tag function is approximately equal to the <abbr> |
<address> | Defines contact information for the author / owner of the document |
<applet> | Used to incorporate the java files into HTML documents |
<area /> | Defines a clickable area (link) on the map image |
<b> | Make text bold |
<base /> | Defines the base URL / target for all relative URLs in a document |
<basefont /> | Make the default text attributes, such as color, size, font type for all text in a document |
<bdo> | Used to override the text direction |
<big> | Increase text size by one point from its default |
<blink> | Creating a blinking text |
<blockquote> | Defines a long quotation. At the moment in a text browser will appear indented into |
<body> | Defining body / content of the HTML document, function to determine how the content of a document is displayed in the web browser. The contents of these documents can be text, images, animas, links and so on |
<br /> | Giving a new line / line feed |
<button> | Defines a button is clicked |
<caption> | Make a caption on the table |
<center> | For center alignment of the text or image |
<cite> | Defining quote |
<code> | Defines a piece of computer code |
<col /> | Defines attribute values of one or more columns in a table |
<colgroup> | Define groups of one or more columns in a table for performatan |
<dd> | Defines a description of an item in a definition list |
<del> | To give the center line of the text / cross out text |
<dfn> | Defines a definition term |
<dir> | Defines a directory list |
<div> | Defines a section in a document |
<dl> | Defines a definition list |
<dt> | Defining the term (an item) in a definition list |
<em> | Make text italic. The function of this tag is equal to the <i> but the <em> more recommended / emphasis on the use of italic text |
<embed> | Used to insert video files or music files |
<fieldset> | To group related elements in the form / making such a frame-box in form |
<font> | Defining the type of font, color and size for text |
<form> | Defines an HTML form to input form |
<frame /> | Mendefinisikan frame dalam fremeset |
<frameset> | Defining frames in fremeset |
<h1> to <h6> | Used to indicate the start of a header / title of the HTML document. |
<head> | Used to provide information about the document |
<hr /> | Make a horizontal line |
<html> | Defines the root of an HTML document |
<i> | Make text italic |
<iframe> | Defines an inline frame |
<img /> | Serves to display images in HTML documents |
<input /> | Defines input field on the form |
<ins> | Make underlined text |
<kbd> | Defines a text in the input from the keyboard |
<label> | Defines a label for an element <input> |
<legend> | Defines a caption for the <fieldset> |
<li> | Used to display information in the form of a list item |
<link /> | Defining the relationship between documents and external sources |
<listing> | Tag function is the same as the <pre> and recommended use <pre> for the <listing> unfit / diprotes |
<map> | Defining a client-side image maps |
<marquee> | Make text running vertically or horizontally |
<menu> | Defines a menu list |
<meta /> | Defines metadata about an HTML document |
<nobr> | Preventing line breaks in the text or image |
<noframes> | If the user's browser does not support frames |
<noscript> | If the user's browser does not support client-side scripts |
<object> | putting embed an object |
<ol> | Defines the list numbering format |
<optgroup> | Displays several options that have been grouped in the form of a drop-down list |
<option> | Featuring some of the options in the form of a drop-down list |
<p> | Creating a paragraph |
<param /> | Defines a parameter for an object |
<pre> | Create a text with the same font size |
<q> | Defines a short quotation |
<s> | To give the center line of the text / cross out text, tag functionality is the same as the <del> , but the <s> is not recommended instead using <del> |
<samp> | Defines sample output from a computer program |
<script> | Defining a client-side script |
<select> | Creating a drop-down list |
<small> | Decrease text size from the default size |
<span> | Defines a section in a document |
<strike> | To give the center line of the text / cross out text, tag function is the same with the <del> |
<strong> | Make text bold, tag functionality is the same as the <b> |
<style> | Defines style information for an HTML document |
<sub> | Giving effect to the text subscript |
<sup> | Giving effect to the text superscript |
<table> | Creating tables |
<tbody> | To categorize the content body in a table |
<td> | Defines a cell in a table |
<textarea> | Defines a multiline input control |
<tfoot> | To group footer content in a table |
<th> | Defines a header cell in a table |
<thead> | To group the header content in a table |
<title> | Make a title for an HTML document |
<tr> | Make rows in a table |
<tt> | Defines teletype text |
<u> | Make underlined text, tag functionality is the same as the <ins> but the <u> is not recommended for the category of HTML text formatting; it belongs to the category HTML Style |
<ul> | Defining a list in bullet format |
<var> | Define a variable |
<xmp> | Defines preformatted text, tag functionality is the same as the tag <pre> |